Winter Quarter and Spring Plans

To commence this quarter, Rachel and I hosted a summer mission dessert at my place last Friday. We provided insights into what participating in a summer with Cru would involve. Due to DU operating on a quarter system, options are unfortunately limited. DU's academic year extends until mid-June, coinciding with the peak of most summer missions. Nonetheless, a few opportunities remain, and we cast vision for a stateside mission, an international mission, and a two-week discipleship intensive in the Rocky Mountains.

The students expressed interest in various ways. Some were captivated by the notion of spending a few weeks unplugged in Crested Butte, CO, diving into the Word of God with others. Some embraced the idea of learning to share their faith in a workplace setting as post-college preparation. Others, with a passion for travel and sharing their faith, found an international mission to be the perfect fit. Rachel and I were both encouraged by the response and are excited to see which students will take a step of faith.

While the living room buzzed with excitement, some felt pressure from their parents to secure a summer internship, while others were concerned about the support-raising process. Please join us in praying for each of them, that God would provide for their needs and instill a vision for the Great Commission, and guide them in communication with their parents.

Campus life is proceeding as usual, with two women's community groups studying Paul's letter to the Philippians and one men's study continuing their exploration of the wisdom found in the book of Proverbs. Thursday nights consistently draw a committed group of 15-20 students, a positive turnout for this quarter. The activities and fellowship have been enjoyable, and I am encouraged by the growth students are displaying in their relationship with God and others.

Typically in spring quarter we push students to deepen their relationships with one another and God, seeking discipleship connections. To facilitate this, the women staff in Denver and Boulder are organizing a women's retreat for students on our three campuses later this month. Similar plans are in place for the men of the front-range schools, scheduled as an end-of-the-year wrap-up later in the spring, hoping sealing the relationships that were made earlier in the quarter.

To wrap up the quarter a leadership retreat is planned for students aspiring to witness students on their campus transformed by the work of Jesus Christ. Student leaders play a crucial role in our mission to ensure that every student on every campus knows someone truly following Jesus. This will take place in April. Please keep our current student leaders and those aspiring for campus growth in your prayers.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support and end-of-the-year gifts. Maddie and I have tangibly felt the love of Christ through each of you, and we are sincerely grateful for your prayers.

1 John 4:15-16

Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.


Spring time!


EOY wrap-up and announcement