EOY wrap-up and announcement

Over the past couple of months, I've had the opportunity to engage in a study of the gospel of Matthew organized by my church. This study significantly deepened my love for God and granted me a clearer understanding of Jesus Christ's purpose on earth—ushering in the Kingdom of God. His efforts to establish the kingdom and empower his disciples have profoundly shaped my mission here in Denver: actively participating in Jesus Christ's mission and perpetuating the expansion of his kingdom in our city.

Simultaneously delving into Proverbs with my disciples, has been a great experience alongside my study of Matthew at the church. Jesus's mission in Matthew is intricate; he not only ushers in the Kingdom of God but also sends out laborers to propagate the same mission. Yet, the essence of this kingdom is rooted in practical righteousness originating from the heart, emphasizing reading and acting out God's law with mercy. Exploring this parallel with Proverbs has been not just encouraging but also enlightening, guiding us not only in our actions within the kingdom but also in understanding how to live rightly and how to expand the kingdom of God.

In early November, I had the chance to take part in a three-day training session with a few other newer staff members from my cohort based in Boulder. It was an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, discover new aspects of ministry, and engage in sharing the gospel using innovative methods at CU. The training was a wonderful chance to connect with additional staff members and gain insights into effective practices from different contexts.


Maddie and I are excited to share that we are becoming a family of 3! Baby B is expected to arrive in early May!

Wishing everyone a merry Christmas celebrating the incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

John 1:14

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.


Winter Quarter and Spring Plans


Fall Reflections: Ministry and growth at University of Denver