Ministry Momentum in February
This month started off with a bang! 30 staff and students from DU and Colorado School of Mines partook in Cru’s Virtual Winter Conference. We were able to rent an amazing Airbnb in Woodland Park, CO where we had enough space to host the conference and sleep all the students. The students had an incredible time growing deeper in their faith and building stronger relationships with one another.
Surprisingly, to both the staff and students, everyone’s favorite part was the 2 hours of evangelism that we did in a nearby town on Saturday afternoon during our free time! We went out in groups of three and spent 2 hours initiating conversation with people on the streets of Manitou Springs with hopes of having a chance to share the Gospel.
That evening, we debriefed how the evangelism time went and despite many students sharing experiences of outright rejection, a group shared about how a man they spoke with prayed to receive Christ with them, and told them through tears, “God’s timing is perfect.” Each student said that they were not only happy they did it, but excited to do more.
Coming back after the weekend, it was my goal to capture the excitement and energy that the DU students shared with me. I coordinated time each week where Eliot, a student, and I will lead an evangelism outreach on DU’s campus. This starts this coming Wednesday the 16th. Please be praying for the hearts and minds of the students at DU.
Our Tuesday night men’s Bible study has been going great as well. Thank you for your prayers! Each week 5-7 guys show up to our apartment for our study of 1 Thessalonians. Our discussions seem to be fruitful and each week I can see God working in the hearts and minds of the guys. They are really taking to heart what The Word of God says and I see great enthusiasm from them to put it into practice. If you have not read through 1 Thessalonians in awhile, I very much recommend it. Paul shares invaluable wisdom, advice, and encouragement for the Thessalonians that is very much applicable to our current cultural moment.
To round off the first half of the month, this past Thursday I gave a talk on atheism at our weekly meeting. I really enjoyed speaking and got some great feedback from the students and the staff!
In the talk I trace our current cultural moment and our societies atheistic attitudes/apathy toward religion back to The Age of Enlightenment in the late 1700s. I argue that the founders of what I call “Enlightened” Atheism wanted to remove Christianity as the West’s center to instead build society on reason and rationality. The results were very much intended, the start of a slow chip away of Jesus Christ as the foundation of our society. Hopefully you will enjoy the talk as well! You can follow my outline here.
The rest of February, we will be continuing our weekly rhythms of our 1 Thessalonians study, evangelism at DU, discipleship meetings, and our student meeting on Thursdays. We are also in the works of planning a huge spring outreach event! Please be praying for that as well as our evangelism outreach. I ask for continued prayer for the hearts of the students in Denver! We are praying and expectant that God has some big plans for the rest of the year!
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support! How can I be praying for you?