Fall Launch 2022

Short Update and Celebration

This week was Fall Launch at Colorado School of Mines. Over the last 5 days, we initiated 1000s of conversations and received 500 contacts through surveys and have seen ~100 students attend our first two gatherings. Throughout this we’ve been emphasizing student ownership by platforming student leaders to lead in the survey distribution and follow up process. Student leaders are in the midst right now of texting the contacts we’ve received, setting up follow up appointments, and sharing the Gospel with them! Very encouraging to see student’s steps of faith, hospitality, and excitement to connect with this new class of Freshmen.

Our goal this next week is to continue to follow up with all the contacts that we have received, encourage them to join Cru, and share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with them! Please pray eager students, open hearts, and boldness for student leaders and staff!

As the second week of launch continues on CO School of Mines, we are preparing to do the same thing on University of Denver’s (DU) campus in the coming weeks. Our situation is a bit different at DU as most of the student leaders have graduated or are studying abroad this semester. So, unfortunately, we are starting from close to square one. But we are eager, hoping, and praying that the Lord will show up and do amazing things on DU’s campus this coming year.

At the end of last semester, we spent a good amount of time tabling, doing evangelism, and hosting some fun events. We are hoping and praying that this put us on the map and that Launch Week on DU’s campus will go just as smoothly as it has on School of Mines.

Please be praying for this semester, that many people would come to know Jesus Christ and declare him Lord of their life!

May God bless all of you!

John 17:14-15

I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one.


Fall Semester


Summer Mission and Life Update